La mia recensione del nuovo bead "Royal Peach" Trollbeads - My review of the new Trollbeads "Royal Peach" bead
Trollbeads ha prodotto, in Edizione Limitata, un bead per Francia e Benelux: "Royal Peach" della designer Lise Aagaard.
Il bead appartiene alla famigerata serie "diamanti", che va così ad ampliarsi con questo in color pesca, sempre arricchito da 13 zirconi cubici all'interno del bead stesso, di differenti dimensioni.
In questa variante, l'ultimo strato di vetro trasparente ha una sfumatura leggermente rosata, a creare un delicato contrasto che si nota soprattutto in controluce.
Il tono di colore del bead, si presta a molteplici abbinamenti, trovo stia bene con l'Arancione del World Tour Olanda, con Arancione Regale (bead dedicato al primo uomo regnante in Olanda), con le ambre, i grigi, i rossi, i blu, il nero.
Questi sono, indubbiamente, abbinamenti a contrasto, quelli che personalmente prediligo, il bead però può essere abbinato in modo piacevole con il rosa, il bianco, il giallo...insomma, non credo avrete difficoltà a trovargli la giusta collocazione.
Francia e Benelux quindi possono vantare un bead di tutto rispetto che rimanda al "sangue reale", proprio come recita la frase che lo accompagna.
Il bead viene venduto (esclusivamente presso i rivenditori di Francia e Benelux) corredato da un certificato di autenticità.
Per chi non ne ricordasse il motivo, il Benelux è stato istituito nel 1944 (con reale avvio nel 1948), attraverso la Convenzione di Londra, per abolire i dazi ed avere un unico sistema fiscale e monetario, di fatto quindi il Benelux è un accordo economico che vede Belgio, Paesi Bassi e Lussemburgo uniti.
Il nome "Benelux" altro non è che la somma dei nomi dei tre paesi, nelle rispettive lingue nazionali: BElgique, NEederland, LUXembourg.
Chi avrà modo di fare un viaggio in uno di questi paesi, potrà acquistare "Royal Peach" direttamente presso i rivenditori Premium e Premium Plus.
"Royal Peach" costa €65,00.
In Francia, a pochi chilometri da Lione, potete trovare il negozio "Milanella", la cui gentilissima titolare Nathalie saprà sicuramente aiutarvi e consigliarvi nell'acquisto.
Per contatti online:
Diamo ora una occhiata ai "diamanti" che Trollbeads ha dedicato ai vari paesi.
Diamo ora una occhiata ai "diamanti" che Trollbeads ha dedicato ai vari paesi.
"Diamanti" in ordine di apparizione e colore:
Ottobre 2017 - Giappone - Viola
Marzo 2018 - Italia - Lilla
Aprile 2018 - Germania - Lavanda
Ottobre 2018 - Stati Uniti - Ambra
Novembre 2018 - Cina - Pesca
Febbraio 2019 - Taiwan - Turchese
Aprile 2019 - Paesi Nordici - Nordic Twilight (tortora)
Ottobre 2019 - Regno Unito - Scarlatto
Febbraio 2020 - Francia e Benelux - Pesca Reale
Febbraio 2020 - Hong Kong - Victoria Harbour (blu)
E adesso raccontatemi, qual'è il vostro "diamante" preferito?
A presto ;-)
(© Vietata la copia e la riproduzione dei contenuti ed immagini in qualsiasi forma, da me non espressamente autorizzata)
(I apologize if my translation is incorrect)
Trollbeads has produced, in Limited Edition, a bead for France and Benelux: "Royal Peach" by designer Lise Aagaard.
The bead belongs to the famous "diamonds" series, which thus expands with this in peach color, always enriched by 13 cubic zirconia inside the bead itself, of different sizes.
In this variant, the last layer of transparent glass has a slightly pinkish tinge, creating a delicate contrast that is noticeable above all against the light.
The color tone of the bead lends itself to multiple combinations, I find it goes well with the Orange of the Netherlands World Tour, with Royal Orange (bead dedicated to the first reigning man in Holland), with amber, gray, red, blue, black.
These are, undoubtedly, contrasting combinations, the ones I personally prefer, the bead, however, can be combined in a pleasant way with pink, white, yellow ... in short, I don't think you will have difficulty finding the right place for it.
France and Benelux therefore can boast a respectable bead that refers to "real blood", just as the phrase that accompanies it says.
The bead is sold (exclusively at retailers in France and Benelux) accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.
For those who don't remember why, the Benelux was established in 1944 (with real start in 1948), through the London Convention, to abolish duties and have a single fiscal and monetary system, in fact therefore the Benelux is an economic agreement that sees Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg united.
The name "Benelux" is nothing more than the sum of the names of the three countries in their respective national languages: BElgique, NEederland, LUXembourg.
Those who have the opportunity to travel to one of these countries can purchase "Royal Peach" directly from Premium and Premium Plus retailers.
"Royal Peach" costs €65,00.
In France, a few kilometers from Lyon, you can find the "Milanella" shop, whose very kind owner Nathalie will certainly know how to help you and advise you on your purchase.
For online contacts:
Let's now take a look at the "diamonds" that Trollbeads has dedicated to various countries.
"Diamonds" in order of appearance and color:
October 2017 - Japan - Purple
March 2018 - Italy - Lilac
April 2018 - Germany - Lavender
October 2018 - United States - Amber
November 2018 - China - Peach
February 2019 - Taiwan - Aqua
April 2019 - Nordic Countries - Nordic Twilight (turtle dove)
October 2019 - United Kingdom - Scarlet
February 2020 - France and Benelux - Royal Peach
February 2020 - Hong Kong - Victoria Harbour (blue)
And now tell me, what is your favorite "diamond"?
See you soon ;-)
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The bead belongs to the famous "diamonds" series, which thus expands with this in peach color, always enriched by 13 cubic zirconia inside the bead itself, of different sizes.
In this variant, the last layer of transparent glass has a slightly pinkish tinge, creating a delicate contrast that is noticeable above all against the light.
The color tone of the bead lends itself to multiple combinations, I find it goes well with the Orange of the Netherlands World Tour, with Royal Orange (bead dedicated to the first reigning man in Holland), with amber, gray, red, blue, black.
These are, undoubtedly, contrasting combinations, the ones I personally prefer, the bead, however, can be combined in a pleasant way with pink, white, yellow ... in short, I don't think you will have difficulty finding the right place for it.
France and Benelux therefore can boast a respectable bead that refers to "real blood", just as the phrase that accompanies it says.
The bead is sold (exclusively at retailers in France and Benelux) accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.
For those who don't remember why, the Benelux was established in 1944 (with real start in 1948), through the London Convention, to abolish duties and have a single fiscal and monetary system, in fact therefore the Benelux is an economic agreement that sees Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg united.
The name "Benelux" is nothing more than the sum of the names of the three countries in their respective national languages: BElgique, NEederland, LUXembourg.
Those who have the opportunity to travel to one of these countries can purchase "Royal Peach" directly from Premium and Premium Plus retailers.
"Royal Peach" costs €65,00.
In France, a few kilometers from Lyon, you can find the "Milanella" shop, whose very kind owner Nathalie will certainly know how to help you and advise you on your purchase.
For online contacts:
Let's now take a look at the "diamonds" that Trollbeads has dedicated to various countries.
"Diamonds" in order of appearance and color:
October 2017 - Japan - Purple
March 2018 - Italy - Lilac
April 2018 - Germany - Lavender
October 2018 - United States - Amber
November 2018 - China - Peach
February 2019 - Taiwan - Aqua
April 2019 - Nordic Countries - Nordic Twilight (turtle dove)
October 2019 - United Kingdom - Scarlet
February 2020 - France and Benelux - Royal Peach
February 2020 - Hong Kong - Victoria Harbour (blue)
And now tell me, what is your favorite "diamond"?
See you soon ;-)
(© Copying and reproduction of contents and images in any form, not expressly authorized by me, is prohibited)
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